The saws designed is based on a new cutting process developed by SHC VNIIMETMASH. The process distinguishing features are highly productive cutting schedules that permit the following: reduce cutting time to 0.1…0.01 s; increase 2…3 times the tooling durability and end face quality, due to reduced time of contact of the saw disk and material being cut; decrease energy consumption; significantly reduce time during which the personnel is affected by noise; enhance the upper limit of the cut sections in comparison to conventional saws.
Table gives the specifications of saws of several tipe-size ranges based on material, being cut.
Compared to conventional hot saws, for instance, of shuttle or rockingtype, rotary saws have a several times higher production rate, a higher service life of saw disks, much lower utility consumption, and, as a consequence, they require
significantly lower capital expenditure and operating costs.
The new progressive cutting process technology is implemented by rotary saw of an original design. The motor driven saw disk is mounted in the rotor; as the rotor makes a 360- degree turn, the disk is fed to the material to be cut, cutting is performed, and the disk is returned to initial position.
Parameters |
Unit |
Saw size (saw disk diameter) |
1200 |
1500 |
2000 |
2200 |
Section to be cut |
Section type: round, square, tube, shape |
Max. diameter of tube to be cut |
mm |
300 |
400 |
500 |
600 |
Max. height of section |
mm |
100 |
150 |
270 |
350 |
Max. width of section |
mm |
200 |
300 |
500 |
1000 |
Max. area of section |
mm |
6000 |
30000 |
5700 |
9600 |
Temperature of metal to be cut |
deg.C |
700-900 |
700-1000 |
700-1100 |
700-1200 |
Material max. tensile strength at cutting temperature |
MPa |
300 |
200 |
120 |
70 |
Saw disk thickness |
mm |
6 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
Power rating |
kW |
65 |
150 |
200 |
330 |
Saw dimensions: length width height |
m m m |
1,5 2,6 1,95 |
1,7 4,0 2,5 |
2,0 4,5 2,9 |
2,5 5,0 3,4 |