"EZTM" JSC has designed and manufactured 3400 gearboxes of different types.
Each of those gearboxes has several design versions (assembly scheme and gear ratio).

Today "EZTM" JSC manufactures the following types of gearboxes: parallel shaft, bevel, worm, cone-worm and spiroid units with weight from 10 kg up to 90 t.

Some of the gearboxes are designed for crushing, mining and cement equipment manufactured and supplied by our works: 

  • two-stage right-angle gearboxes for apron feeders:

ЦКЦ2-800: weight - 7,9 t, torque — 150 kNm, 

ЦКЦ2-1000: weight - 12 t, torque — 240 kNm

and new gearboxes of upd ate design with carburized gear trains:

ЦКЦ2-560: weight - 4,9 t, torque — 150 kNm,

ЦКЦ2-630: weight - 7 t, torque — 240 kNm.

  • herringbone gearboxes for titanium sponge crushers:

Ц2Ш1120: weight - 31 t, torque — up to 750 kNm; 

  • rotary kiln drive gearbox:

ЦТ-3230: weight - 69 t, torque — 840 kNm.

  • gearboxes indented for replacement of existing ZМ-1600 and 40А7 gearboxes installed in mills with diameter of 3x14 m:

ЦЗ-1800: weight - 85 t, torque — 1200 kNm

ЦЗ-1600: weight - 62 t, torque — 850 kNm.

The works repairs and manufactures gear clusters for "Simetro" А3600, А2800 with Novikov engagement as well as complete se t of gear parts for DD4640, Д3500, ZM-1600 and ЦТ 32-30 gearboxes, etc. The works manufactures ring gears with module from 16 to 50 mm and outer diameter up to 8 m for cement kilns, mills, drying drums, etc.

"EZTM" JSC is ready to assist in design of construction documentation and manufacture of special gearboxes as well as description and manufacture of different gear pairs as spare parts for Russian and foreign gearboxes.

"EZTM" JSC supplies gear couplings, chain sprockets and other parts for drivers of rolling, metallurgical, mining and other equipment.

The company's managers are always glad to answer your questions, perfrom a calculation of the service costs and prepare an individual commercial offer.